
This book has been a long time in the making! I am truly grateful to God for enabling me to finish it. I am also thankful to the Holy Spirit for giving me the inspiration and wisdom to write and encouraging me to pick up the manuscript again when I had given up on it.

I would also like to express my gratitude to my editor, Stephanie Carr Fuston, who has been instrumental in helping me bring this book to completion. Originally, I wrote the story in Finnish and translated it into English, which is not my native language. Stephanie helped me make the book sound so much better. She worked with me even when we were on two different continents and in different time zones. 

I would like to thank Heidi Sinervä for designing the book cover and encouraging me throughout my writing process. I am also thankful to my family for their support during this journey, as well as my friends from church who have offered me valuable advice and ideas over the years.